Thursday, March 20, 2014

Teddy Bear Picnic

Today we set off on a bear hunt ........ over the mountains (jungle gym), through the valleys (swings), down the slippery slope (slide), over the rickety bridge, through the sticky bog (sand) ....... and what did we find?  A picnic set out with honey sandwiches, teddy bear biscuits, milk, and honey crunch.  "Isn't it funny how a bear likes honey - buzz, buzz, buzz.  I wonder why he does".

Then we all sat down with our teddy bears and enjoyed our morning tea.  Max joined us for a photo before he left to stay at his Grandmas.  We have enjoyed having him stay at our houses over the last few weeks.  It has been exciting showing him where we live, having him join in the things we do at home, and meeting our families.  Haere ra Max.  See you again soon.

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