Thursday, May 26, 2016

Oh Bother!

This morning we presented our 'Oh Bother' item in assembly.  Each of the children had a line to say from the book.  They used the microphone so that all the Mums and Dads, teachers and students could hear, and showed their props that matched their line:

There's and hole in my sock.  There's a hole in my shoe.  There's a hole in my umbrella and the rain is coming through.  There's a hole in my jumper.  There's a hole in my shirt.  There's a hole in my tooth and it's starting to hurt.  There's a hole in my beach ball.  There's a hole in my kite.  There's a hole in my Teddy where Ozzie took a bite.  There's a hole in my school bag.  There's a hole in my glove.  There's a hole in my hat that I really did love.  There's a hole in my apple.  There's a hole in my pear.  There's a hole in my pie and it's dripping everywhere!  OH BOTHER!!

Everyone spoke really well, with no nerves or hiccups.  We all showed our fruit with caterpillars crawling out of them that we had made yesterday, and Miss Llewell dripped her cream pie all over the floor.

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